wiederkehrende prüfung fehlerstromschutzschalter

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UVV Prüfung Berlin

Wiederkehrende Prüfung Fehlerstromschutzschalter is a German term that translates to „periodic testing of residual current circuit breakers“ in English. Residual current circuit breakers, also known as RCCBs or RCDs, are electrical safety devices that disconnect a circuit when they detect an imbalance in the flow of electricity. These devices are crucial for preventing electric shocks and fires caused by faulty appliances or wiring.

Why is periodic testing important?

Regular testing of RCCBs is essential to ensure that they are functioning properly and providing the necessary protection. Over time, these devices can become less sensitive or fail altogether, putting people at risk of electric shock or fire. By conducting periodic testing, you can identify any issues early on and take corrective action before it’s too late.

How often should RCCBs be tested?

The frequency of testing RCCBs can vary depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations and local regulations. In general, it is recommended to test RCCBs at least once a year to ensure they are working correctly. However, in some high-risk environments or for critical applications, more frequent testing may be necessary. It is important to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and local electrical codes to determine the appropriate testing schedule for your specific situation.

Testing procedure

Testing an RCCB involves using a test button or a specialized testing device to simulate a fault and verify that the device trips as expected. The procedure may vary depending on the type and model of the RCCB, so it is important to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidance. In addition to periodic testing, it is also recommended to visually inspect RCCBs for any signs of damage or wear on a regular basis.


Regular testing of residual current circuit breakers is crucial for maintaining electrical safety in homes, workplaces, and other settings. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines and local regulations for testing RCCBs, you can ensure that these devices are functioning properly and providing the necessary protection against electric shocks and fires.


1. How can I test an RCCB?

To test an RCCB, you can typically use a test button located on the device itself or a specialized testing device. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct procedure, and make sure to test the RCCB at least once a year to ensure it is working properly.

2. What should I do if my RCCB fails the test?

If your RCCB fails the test, it is important to take corrective action as soon as possible. Consult a qualified electrician to determine the cause of the failure and make any necessary repairs or replacements. Do not attempt to use the RCCB until it has been properly repaired or replaced to avoid putting yourself at risk of electric shock or fire.

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