dguv v3 ortsfeste geräte

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DGUV V3 Ortsfeste Geräte is a set of regulations and guidelines established by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) for the testing and maintenance of stationary electrical equipment in workplaces. These regulations are designed to ensure the safety of workers and prevent accidents related to electrical hazards.

Importance of DGUV V3

Electrical equipment in the workplace can pose a significant risk to workers if not properly maintained and tested. DGUV V3 sets out specific requirements for the inspection and testing of stationary electrical equipment to ensure that it is safe to use. By following these guidelines, employers can protect their employees from the dangers of electrical accidents and comply with legal requirements.

Key Requirements of DGUV V3

Some of the key requirements of DGUV V3 include:

  • Regular inspection and testing of stationary electrical equipment
  • Documentation of inspection and test results
  • Training for employees on safe electrical practices
  • Identification of electrical hazards and appropriate corrective actions


DGUV V3 Ortsfeste Geräte is an essential set of regulations for ensuring the safety of workers in environments where stationary electrical equipment is used. By following these guidelines and conducting regular inspections and tests, employers can create a safer workplace and reduce the risk of electrical accidents.


What is the purpose of DGUV V3?

DGUV V3 Ortsfeste Geräte is designed to ensure the safety of workers by establishing guidelines for the testing and maintenance of stationary electrical equipment in the workplace.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with DGUV V3?

Employers are responsible for ensuring compliance with DGUV V3 and for providing a safe working environment for their employees.


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Wussten Sie schon, unsere kostenlosen Leistungen sind:

Gleicher Preis für die Prüfung von 230 Volt und 400 Volt – Betriebsmitteln (Drehstromgeräte)